This blog has changed an awful lot since it's early days as we shared our story of our twins being born 13 weeks premature. But one thing has always stayed the same, we're a family with a lot of love.
I'm an Air Force wife, mom of twins, and now have 3 little ones, 3 and under...and soon to be 4 under 4. No big deal ;) Life is pretty hectic...and pretty perfect.
So laugh with us (or at us) as we try to make our way through life with 3 wild and crazy kids that we love down to their heads and up to their toes.
The Family
I'm Emily, the mom, wife, cook, housekeeper, nanny, teacher, and master child wrangler. Nothing special over here.
Tom is husband, dad, chef, bacon maker, military man, and game maker of the family. He's way more fun than I am. The kids usually agree...except when I let them run in the sprinkler in their PJs. Then I win.
Jack is Twin A, the first born, the trouble maker, the climber, the king of all mischief and the cause of many ulcers in our house. He is the most loving boy you will ever meet, but will give you a heart attack when he starts swinging from the chandelier. I wish I was making that up...
Amelia, twin B, my GIRL. She is ALL girl. I'm not sure how I got a girly girl, but here she is and taking on the roll like a champ. She likes princesses, wearing dresses, wearing my heels, sitting quietly and reading, and being the ying to Jack's yang. She's also the boss of the house (or we let her think she is) and prefers to have things go her way. She'll let you know if they're not, don't worry.
Ben was my baby but he is up for promotion this spring. He's even snugglier than Jack but admires to be all things Jack. His goal in life is to keep up with the twins. I am pretty sure he won't have any trouble with that since he's already their size. I already see the mischief in his eyes though so I'm pretty glad my blonde hair hides gray hair really well.
Baby #4 doesn't have a name yet. And probably won't until he/she is born because naming babies is hard! He/She is due to arrive in May and we are very excited, although a little nervous about how crazy our lives are going to get. Because they're not crazy now, just mildly out of control. Totally fine. We've got this ;)