2016 we will face some big challenges and changes, but I am hoping to keep a positive spin on things around here! I am excited to celebrate Benjamin turning 3 soon, Eloise will be 1 before we know it, and the twins will be off to Kindergarten! I don't even want to talk about it.
I have taken on some new projects over the past few months and I'm hoping to grow those projects and push myself out of my comfort zone. I'm hoping it will all work out but we shall see ;) I'm a little nervous to invest in some things but i know all you wonderful people will support me.
I know this, because you guys really all pulled through to make the end of 2015 super awesome! I didn't post about this much on my blog but thanks to friends and family near and far we put together some pretty awesome NICU baskets! We put together 15 gift baskets for families at the NICU the twins were born at including baby toys, clothes, gift cards, snacks, hygiene items and a keepsake book to deliver right before Christmas. We also got a cookie tray and a ton of drinks from local businesses, so big thanks to Ritchey's Dairy and Mamie's Cafe and Bakery in Martinsburg, PA! I used to scoop ice cream at Ritchey's so it was awesome to have them help us out with this! We made the kids walk and it took our triple stroller to lug everything up to the NICU. While we couldn't deliver everything personally to the families, I am sure we made a lot of people really happy with our gift baskets and it wouldn't have been able to happen without everyones donations so really, I couldn't thank you enough!
Overall, 2015 was pretty awesome, despite some little bumps in the road. 2016 has some bumps in it too but I'm hoping and praying for some big things this year for me and for all of you!
So Happy New Year and if you get a minute, say a prayer for our family as we go through our little bumps this year.