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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Too Busy To Function Properly

That's really all I can say about our lives lately. Between doctors appointments, traveling, keeping up some sort of social life (ha), we've been booked solid for weeks! I like it, most of the time. But I sure love breaks too!

We got back last week from a 2 week vacation in Pennsylvania visiting a TON of friends and family. People came from Georgia and Massachusetts just to see the twins! Boy are they loved. They better appreciate it ;)

We had a blast visiting everyone and it was nice having lots of hands to help with the twins. But it was busy and we're still recovering!

We've actually deemed this recovery time as a chance to get a few big tasks done:
1. A redo of the twins closet. I do this every few months. We pack up too small clothes, organize new clothes, make sure everything is washed and organized. And about 2 weeks later, my hard work is a mess again. But I try.

2. Fix up the back yard! We have little climbers, crawlers, crazy kiddos. And were given the SMALLEST backyard on base housing. No joke. And what's left of our yard, the people before us decided to cover in bricks and weird palm trees. Buy buy bricks and palm trees. Hello grass! It's our big project while my brother is visiting. And by "our", I mean, the hubby's. Ha. Sucker.

3. Playroom redo. Similar to the closet, just in terms of toys. There are some too small toys (playmats, jumperoo, etc) that gotta go. So we're going to find somewhere to store all of those things and add the new toys we got from the twins birthday. We also have some gift cards and I have some fun ideas for some "big kid" toys the twins will love! Some of it will probably wait for Christmas but I'm excited because they will love their new toys!

Our house will look brand new by the end of the weekend hopefully. And if you don't see it within the week, you probably will have no idea we even made any changes. But we're trying ;)

In the news of health, and actually a non-preemie related issues, Jack will have his hypospadias
surgery on Thursday. It's been hanging over our heads as something we need to get done since he was born so I'm happy we'll be checking it off of the list. Because of his bad lungs and preemie issues though, we'll be staying overnight at the hospital so Jack can be monitored for his apnea and to make sure he has no bad reactions to the anesthesia, so that part is making me a bit nervous. But I know this is the best time to get it done, everyone has said he'll be fine, so we're going ahead with it. Keep the little guy in your prayers on Thursday and hopefully we'll be home first thing Friday morning with a healthy, happy, fixed up baby boy!

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