We actually made it back to Pennsylvania this Christmas for the first time in a few years. The last time I was at my parent's house for Christmas was the Christmas I was pregnant with the twins, but I didn't know it yet. We didn't get a positive pregnancy test until right after the New Year.
This was our first Christmas in Pennsylvania with kids so that made it pretty special and a lot of fun. We even got some snow on Christmas Eve which was great! I went for a little jog in the snow on Christmas Eve, just like I did back in the day. It was much colder than I remembered ;)
Amelia really liked the snow.
This guy did not.
Chrismas Eve we went to church then came home for dinner and desserts and a visit from Santa (aka my little brother.) The kids did NOT like the visit from Santa. They're still not so sure what a guy in a red suit has to do with them getting presents.
Clearly, Ben really disliked the festivities.
We then got everyone in their PJ's and they put some cookies and milk out for Santa for later.
They didn't get it at all but you can't say we didn't try. It might be more of a 3 year old thing ;)
Christmas morning Jack, Ben and I were the first ones up. We watched a Christmas movie on Netflix while we waited for everyone else to start moving and enjoyed the peaceful morning.
Finally, it was time to start the festivities.
My mom has taken a picture of us on the stairs every Christmas morning when we're home. I tried to take a picture of the twins on the stairs last year but it didn't go so well...and I was too pregnant to care.
Queen Elsa and Rapunzel were Amelia's favorite Christmas gifts. Jack got Go Go Smart Cars train set that was a big hit. Ben just loved the paper.
The rest of the day was quite a blur. We had breakfast, all of our family came over to celebrate that afternoon. The kids were running wild, there was a questionable game of Cards Against Humanity (which I can't believe I'm even mentioning on a mommy blog), and a lot of fun had by all. I think everyone was also very ready for bed that night though after all of the chaos of the day. It was great seeing the kids really enjoying it, even Ben was getting into it a lore more than I thought he would. Everyone was happy to be celebrating with the kids so I'm glad we made the long journey to Pennsylvania to be there with everyone.
I hope your holidays have been as lovely as mine! I'm excited to celebrate New Years and see what the New Year has in store for us ;)
For some fun, you can check out Christmas 2012 and Christmas 2011.

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