We've had busy few days! Lots of fun getting ready for the holidays and traveling.
What do you get when you have a mother who hoards all of your childhood clothes and toys? Dress up your kids in ridiculous Christmas outfits? Yes, please.
Embarassing kids pictures. Now THIS is what the holidays are all about ;) Reindeer sweatshirts circa 1988 that belonged to me and my younger brother. Can we do a virtual ugly Christmas sweater party? Because I think my kids would be top contenders ;) Have any embarrassing/funny holiday pics you'd love to share? Tweet them my way @emilytara #uglychristmassweater. I'd love to know I'm not the only one who does this to their children.
On another note, let's take guesses on how many times Jack would have ridden that tray around at the mall?
If you guessed infinity, you win. Number of times we let him ride it: Twice. He was very upset at the end of both rides. The boy certainly loves trains.

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