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Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Funday

Why does Sunday get to have all the fun? We're on spring break over here so we're going to have a fun day! Hope your Monday is going well too!

Last week we had stomach bug madness. The kids luckily, got sick and bounced back like nothing even happened. Quite literally. Ben got sick walking down the steps and went in the kitchen and ate a big bowl of applesauce. Clearly, he was quite ill. But preggers me got the sickest. Figures. I survived though and without a trip to labor and delivery! Win! I was nervous dehydration this far along would go bad quickly but I chugged the liquids as much as I could and managed to not get dehydrated enough to go to the hospital. I'll thank my many puking days with the twins for how to handle staying hydrated during pregnancy and nausea.

So this week we are enjoying our spring break! Relaxing a bit. Sleeping in...just kids don't sleep in.

We took the week off of therapy for Jackson too so it's nice to get a break from appointments. We're getting in a few Easter events, especially the mandatory bunny visit. It went about as well as last year. I'm hiding in the back, holding the boys, since they wouldn't get close to the bunny. A enjoyed seeing the bunny though.

They also had a "practice" area for the kids who were scared of the bunny and we ended up with a super cute spring picture of the 3 kids from that. So, overall, we'll call it a win.

The mall also has a holiday themed train ride. Guess which activity the boys preferred...

2 rides on the train. Obviously necessary.

Hope you have a good week! If you're looking for a fun activity to do this week, here's a fun natural easter egg dye craft! Enjoy ;)

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