I'm heartbroken to say that I don't have any babies in the house anymore.
My baby boy turned 1 on Sunday and I've been in denial ever since.
No joke. I'm struggling with this first birthday!
I think being pregnant with Ben when we celebrated the twins' first birthday made it bearable. With no baby P's in our near future, I'm a little heartbroken to see my baby grow up. He also seems to be growing up so much faster than the twins did! How is he 1 already?
So what did we do to celebrate our big guy?
We kicked off our day with birthday pancakes!
aka whole wheat banana pancakes with sprinkles in it. The twins were a little jealous they didn't get a candle but came around when they realized they had sprinkles in their pancakes too.
Then we decided to do a photo shoot!
Seriously, is there a cuter 1 year old? I'm biased, but I dare to say not ;)
We did cake with the family later that night and Ben loved a day being the center of attention. Sometimes it stinks being the baby of the family. Sorry buddy but I promise your birthday will always be special! We are having a party with our friends on Saturday so I'm happy he gets another special day for his birthday ;)
So what's Benny Boy up to at the ripe old age of 1?
He's been taking steps since around 10 months, right before Christmas he became a legit walker and hasn't looked back. Now he's practically running. If only I could get him to run in the same direction as both twins, that would make my life a little easier.
Tooth count: 8 in, 2 molars should be cutting through any day now and 2 more are on the way. It's not pretty
Weight: 23lbs on the dot
Height: 30 1/2inches
Clothes: Comfortably in 18 month clothes, can fit anywhere up to 3t though (trust me, I've accidentally put him in Jack's clothes more than once)
Favorite food: sweet potatoes, chicken nuggets and strawberries
Least favorite food: Anything green. I'll turn him to the dark side eventually.
Favorite toy: Anything cars and trains...which poses quite a challenge since those are also Jack's favorite and they don't always share well together.
Favorite time of the day: When the twins are napping and he has free range on the house.
Sleeps: Never. Seriously. He's worse than Jack. Please someone teach my baby how to sleep.
He still nurses 3 times a day and once at night. I'm trying to get rid of that night feeding, but it isn't going well. I am proud that Ben has gone an entire year without a single bottle and no formula. He's been such a good eater, we've had a good experience nursing with very little trouble (except one bad episode of milk blisters). It's been nice to not have to worry about pumping, bottles, milk supply, blah blah blah that I had with the twins so things have been much more pleasant this time around.
Ben seems interested in talking and signing so I'm excited to see his language skills blossom over the next few months. The twins really took off with language around 18 months so I'm sure I'll have more to share on that front in a few more months.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes for my baby's birthday!
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